Mittwoch, 10. März 2021

I say hello to the nice people.

Hello there, nice people!

Good news: I continued the practice routine (Guitar + singing), and am making progress with the song I chose to sing for singing lessons... ^^ I quickly jotted down the chords for the song, too, so that I could accompany myself when I am practicing. :) With singing lessons, I had my third one this week. I honestly think it is both something I am grateful for and something that challenges me... Singing is one of the things that make me happiest.

I also got to write the second song for my album, so there are still 11 more to go. :) I am looking forward to the rest of them, and to recording them for real... I hope by the time I am done that the pandemic will be over (Stop laughing now, will you!!).

I hope you are all doing fine. :) I also continued taking walks each day, despite it snowing last night and whatnot. It brings me so much joy to get out, breathe in fresh air, move my legs a little, and so on and so on. It is just a win-win situation for me (and for the dog! :D).

What else? I think that's about it. I will now continue with the obvious.

Question No. 6 from the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind: If happiness was a national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

There are many! :) I think first and foremost, music has to be involved. Whenever I am surrounded by music, when I am practicing or performing, when I am talking about music, when I discover new songs / bands / musicians that I find awesome, etc. That makes me happy. I look up to those who know what they are doing, and also to those who say they don't (but it somehow always works out well :P) musically. I think music is the ultimate form of art for me... It gives me pictures in my mind that move around like a movie, or that stand still like put in a picture frame. It expresses things that cannot be put into words, and when it uses words, most often the poetic language accompanying the pieces is doing what the melody and rhythm do on their own, too. It is fascinating. I think, if somebody gave me all the instruments I wish for (AHEM... There are many. ;)), I would maybe never be found again, unless I feel like performing. I don't mind either, TBH. Just--- music. So yes, I would most likely be making music. ^^ Also, dabbling into other creative endeavors... It just makes me feel rebellious in an odd way, and when feeling rebellious I feel alive, and therefore quite happy. I wouldn't mind these to stay "side projects" though, even though I think it is nice to shake things up every now and then... Also, speaking foreign languages with other people, hopefully their native language. And working with tarot cards, astrology, etc. And some exercises, too (As I said above, walking! And dancing, too!). And travelling.... AND :D... I think this is all.

I know I am not the greatest ever in any of these, but I think this is not the question. I think this is just perfectionist Rina chiming in to say, "You cannot earn anything with any of this, you are not good enough yet!". I think, if people always waited for permission to follow their hearts, the world would never make steps forward. We'd still be stuck with what happened so so so long ago. No progress. We need to find out what matters to us, and I feel this thing that is so dear to us is YEARNING to be expressed. Please don't let it yearn forever...


Last point for today, five more things that I like about myself (This is so hard to do!):

11) Despite my problems with perfectionism (Which is a long term one!), I don't mind embarrassing myself every now and then (by doing something different). I think I have done quite a lot of things in my life that others would shake their heads over, even though I didn't harm anybody. For example, in summer I once went barefoot through our pedestrian precinct, put my shoes into my trousers (They didn't fall down, thank goodness XDD), and just enjoyed that I could walk over the asphalt feeling the earth below my feet. It was nice. It wasn't the only time I went outside without any shoes or that I removed my shoes in the long run (PUN!), but I think a lot of people just stared at me... I didn't mind, I said back then I wanted to start a new trend. Didn't work, but still, it was fun. :P Don't you blame me.

12) I try to be honest with everybody I get to know, but without hurting their feelings. This is quite a task to do, but usually I manage to do this just fine. I often find the right words in situations when others may need them, and I have been told before that I can really uplift other people... I think this is something like a hidden talent of mine, and I don't acknowledge it enough.

13) I am passionate. And Biff goes: "Oh là là?" I mean this mostly in the sense of, when I love something, I dive into this deeply. I want to learn everything about it. It excites me, and my full enthusiasm gets absorbed into this one special something. (There is a downside to this, though, but we are not here to talk this much about downsides, eh?)

14) I'm sosososo rebellious. I have always loved stuff that was not seen or heard everywhere. My favourite celebrity growing up was David Bowie (THANK YOU, LABYRINTH!! :D) and I still remember how this younger version of me was like, "I will marry David Bowie when I grow up!" - Well, you can see clearly now, this hasn't worked out (Plus, I wouldn't want to take him away from the love(s) of his life). BUT! With Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King, I found a type of person I really adored. And the more I learned about so-called alternative subcultures (I mainly refer to punk and goth right now), the more I saw people with e. g. tattoos and piercings, the more I felt drawn to the lifestyle. I feel this is something that goes against the norm and expresses some rebellion, BUT I also adore how it looks, I love the music from the genres especially associated with these two categories. I adore androgyny, too (Again, thanks to Bowie!). I also once had a crush on Alice Cooper for a short while when I was eight. Not to the point I would say I wanted to marry him (I was out of that phase by then XD), but I think back then I drew a lot of comics and invented stories with guys called Alice for this simple reason. Yeah... Yeah. 

15) I don't take myself too seriously (Despite what others may think!). Sure some things from my past I wouldn't joke about, as these weren't things that I would wish upon anybody else. BUT! I can make jokes about myself, I can really laugh about some stuff I have done, and I can admit openly that I have made mistakes in the past. I think this is something important to do; we all are here to learn, after all. It all depends on the context of course, but usually I can laugh about my own silly events coming into my life!


And that's that... again. ^^ Have a lovely rest of the day, people out there!!

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Stand by me.

Hey ho, let's go! Today I wrote the third song for my album. :D The reason behind was / is that I kept playing a riff that came to me ra...