Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2021

50 Questions that will free your mind (Task 50)

Bonjour, my dears!! ^^

How are you all doing? I am experiencing some highs and lows, depending on what aspect you'd ask me about. Hence the decision to start with task number 50 from my 101/1001 master list. I found out about these questions through the Day Zero Project itself, but I like the idea to free my mind, to get clear in my thoughts and visions again... The list of 50 questions that will free your mind can be found here.

I want to answer one question per post, so this will be my answer to the first question:

1) How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

It varies. Sometimes I *really* feel like a 60-year-old, and I don't even understand why. I can be so, so serious quite often. On other days, I act like a child who is in kindergarten already, but not in school yet. I get really silly (which I don't mind), and end up trying out a gazillion things, and sticking to whatever brings me joy in each moment. All in all, I was asked today, too, whether I tend to decide more from my gut or from my head. Honestly? I always go for what my gut tells me, even if it gets me into trouble...

So, most of the time, I am like a four/five-year-old, I guess? I don't mind that. I don't mind seriousness, either, but it bores me to stay in the latter state for too long... Okay, I am a child apparently. :D Was this so hard to answer? - YES! :P But I don't mind that. It is okay *wipes away tears of joy*.


ALSO! Finally, I am taking singing lessons again (I didn't specify when this goal (11) is reached?). :) I am so happy, you cannot believe how much it makes me happy...

And I'm making some progress with task number 2 (writing 13 songs for my album), too.

Hope everybody is having a lovely day. I will try to answer the second question from the list asap. Stay tuned!

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