Samstag, 20. Februar 2021

We can do what we want, we can go wherever we please~.


For some odd reason, I wanted to quote a song from a really great TV series here in the subject line :P. If you can guess which one, I will give you a virtual cookie. *nods*

I actually took a walk this morning with my mother and my dog. ^^ We had a lovely time, even though the duration was not as long as it could have been, apparently. But I am currently feeling a bit ill (physically; though I am very sure it is nothing to worry about!), so walking for too long felt more like torture, and this way, I at least got some fresh air in the meantime.

Today's question - bring it on!

4) When it's all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?

Once again, I feel a bit unsure. I of course can only talk from this very moment (and the past assigned to me) - not the future -, but right now I am feeling more like I would have said more than I've done if I passed away now indeed. And it irks me to say this, but this is something to change, after all. I want to change something about my habits / ways of planning. I rarely ever plan anything, for the reason that I feel overwhelmed so easily by a bunch of tasks to tick off, even if these tasks were just minor ones.

I wish it weren't like this. I know so many people who have no problem with this kind of paralysis towards one's tasks. I now watched a video which also took the side for the Eisenhower Matrix. I have seen this in quite a few books on time management, and I never actually tried it. Maybe it will speak more to me, since it is not as diligently written one after the other, which ironically could make a difference to me. *sighs*

I know, for myself, I cannot plan every minute / second of a day (I would feel like I was a loser if I needed to do one thing for a bit longer than it should have taken), but if I could give myself some kind of routine for this matter, it would help. I think the guy in the video explained it better than I could have ever explained it myself, though. He is called Nathaniel Drew on YT, and the video I meant is called "A Simple Way to Organize Your Life". I highly recommend it.


And else? I thought I want to start tackling yet another goal (number 90 - "Make a list of 25 things I like about myself"). I will be doing five in each step, I think, so here are some things I like about myself...

1) I am very creative. I love spending my time composing songs, drawing, writing, crafting, making up dance choreographies, whatever. I often have ideas when e. g. listening to music (especially concerning music videos, but also other ideas), and getting into movement in general helps me clear my mind and stay creative. I often feel like a tiger walking from one corner to the next, but it really helps with thinking through ideas.

2) My thoughts run very deep. I am a bit of a philosopher deep down. I like asking questions (not just myself but also other people), and I like provoking other people to think about their own limits... I remember even as a child in first grade, I questioned anything I learned, and tried to find out whether there were any exceptions for the facts we have been presented. This is not to say I didn't enjoy learning (I still do! See number 4!), but I felt like this was a game I could play with myself for hours... Especially maths was a subject I often did this with... I also remember some of the questions I asked back then still didn't get answered to this day. For instance, I was wondering why I felt like I was *myself*, so I asked my then-four-year-old sister what it was like to be her, whether she had this same experience, just from another perspective. I know this isn't easy to answer, especially for children, but it really shaped some ideas for myself (That we all have the same experience, but that I will never know for sure, because we don't have the same soul.).

3) I am quite empathic. Another anecdote from my childhood. I had a favourite plate when I was a child, which was full of fun doodles on its sides. However, this plate only existed once in our home, so I once asked whether one of my parents (I think it was my father) could exchange plates with me. So he gave me my favourite plate, and I gave him the one I was given beforehand. Then I thought, "This was actually really mean towards the plate I already had... Maybe the plate is feeling very sad now that I gave it away.", so I apologised to my "fave plate" and asked my father to please exchange the plates once again. I often felt like, everything could have a soul, no matter whether it moves or not, so I didn't want this plate to feel sad about this. *sighs* I still experience moments like this, maybe not as "dramatic" (I was close to tears back then when I imagined how the first plate would have felt.), but... Let's just say, I avoid huge gatherings of many, many people in most instances, and I usually can understand what other people say without having to add any words to this. I often cry whenever others are sad, or I get angry when others feel this rage, too. I know I could classify as an empath, judging a bunch of other experiences, but I will leave it at this.

4) I love learning new things, and am not afraid to ask questions if I don't understand one thing (or more), as I already said. I think one is never too old to learn something new, and I am curious about the things I don't know yet. I, for this reason, am looking forward to the task concerning Coursera. :) I think this will be an awesome opportunity. I looked through some more courses there, and I am really excited about starting. I just am giving myself a bit of time to save up the money for Coursera Plus.

5) I am really idealistic. I have been a vegetarian ever since I was about ten years old, and am slowly but surely diving more into veganism (as much as possible). I have always seen the nature and its inhabitant animals as my friends. I know that I shouldn't be reckless when coming across an animal, but I also know that, it is mostly up to me how the animal in question will react. I think one should respect these enteties of Earth (Nature, animals, etc.), without any feeling of fear (as in, being scared of anything on this planet). I want to live without as much plastic as I *normally* use. I do not blame those who, for whatever reason, cannot make such commitments (Also for the sake of my own ideals.), but I think that reduction of unnecessary input and focusing on what is important can be an important first step. I also have to say, whenever somebody tries to argue with me why their "ism"s (sexism, racism, and - okay, something not ending in -ism - homo-/transphobia) are absolutely okay in their eyes, I will get really angry. Or when people do harmful things to others (humans, animals, nature) for whatever reason.

I think you got the idea. ^^ I think these are also the reasons why I feel so deeply connected to my MBTI type (INFP)... Aaaand that's about it all for now.

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Stand by me.

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