Freitag, 5. März 2021

Developing routines.

First off, hello again.

I am already feeling better than last time I posted something here, but still wanted to make sure I won't slip back into old behaviors, so I didn't update anything for those past days.

I kept up my taking-daily-walks routine, though. Obviously, I did this for seven days just to be able to check this goal off my list once I finished this, but oddly enough, I feel like it has become a habit now. A very beneficial one for my mental health, too. I am happy when I can be outside. I am by no means very extroverted, but I still love being outside, be it in nature or going to other places... Since the latter is not as easy to do in the pandemic, I feel like taking walks is pretty much the only time I can spend out and about, not thinking about current problems as much, as I need to concentrate on taking our dog for a walk.

I also tried to pick up reading again, but noticed the book I am currently reading is not really doing me much good, so I need to postpone this a bit, or at least find something lighter to read before getting back to said book. I don't mean to diss the book here, it is well-written and I get to empathise with the main character... A little too much, though, and that's the problem :(.

For today, I had planned several things and got them all done. I feel accomplished deep down like, YAY I DID THIS. I wrote a letter of application and got to send it, I got to take our dog for a walk, and... I got to practice singing. :) Since I have been taking lessons again for a while now, this is really something I look forward to, too. I even ended up grabbing my guitar and strumming along my own song then. And I practiced some singing along the guitar strumming in general, as I often struggle concentrating on both at the same time (Please don't laugh. It can be quite hard sometimes, but I feel I didn't do too badly.).

My next goal to tackle is the 73rd goal: Develop a practice routine that I can keep up. I need to fix the name of this goal, though, as I cannot cross this off at any point in the future. It is an ongoing process. So I will say, since walking for seven days constantly helped me get into this habit, I want to practice each day for a week. Starting today. :) I want to practice both singing and the guitar. If I can squeeze other instruments in there (ukulele, keyboard, ...), I will do this, too, but my main focus for now is my voice and my guitar playing.

I generally practice singing the song "Starman" by David Bowie right now, which happens to be my favourite song by him. There is so much to learn about this song! I want to also get the notes so I can accompany myself on another instrument while singing the song, but let's not rush this... Baby steps. :D

I hope everybody is doing well, too. Before I forget it:

Five more things I like about myself:

6) I can be very adventurous. You may not be able to tell this oftentimes, as I can get bored easily. But I love travelling, learning new stuff about other cultures, and just... I often "suffer" from wanderlust. I am currently trying to fulfill the need with an app I recently downloaded (Geoguessr), in which you are "dumped" in a place anywhere on this planet and you need to find clues where you are via Google Maps, and then submit your guess. I sometimes am not bad there, othertimes I think, "OH I AM IN ARGENTINA!!!" and then end up being told, uh oh, you are in Spain or so. It is really exciting to do, though. ^^ And I love how my sister often goes, "Let's find a delivery car on the road to find out where we are!!" when she plays this with me.

7) I give everybody a chance. I have been told before this is rather naive, but honestly, I know what it is like to never get a chance to show yourself, and that first impressions can be really awful (despite both parties being equally interesting, nice, and fun to be around deep down). I just think, I could be wrong with each first impression. I give people the chance to prove themselves. If they, for whatever reason, turn out to be completely unworthy of my time, I don't bother anymore, but I gave them the chance to prove they ARE worthy of my time beforehand. And I wouldn't want it another way, to be honest.

8) I am keen to learn foreign languages. I once read / heard somewhere something along the lines of, "Speak to somebody in a language they learned, and you speak to their mind. Speak to somebody in their mother tongue, and you speak to their heart." Foreign languages do not just keep me busy, they also help me get the points of view from other people, no matter where they're from. The more you know language-wise, the broader your view becomes, the more empathic you become, the less you understand the need for nations to quarrel. God, I am such a hippie XD. But I feel, after all, everybody has similar wishes for themselves... Basic needs, and so on. Why should some people be stripped off these basic needs just to make sure others have it "better"?

9) I see the world as a number of riddles to be solved. I remember as a child / teenie I questioned everything I learned in school. I needed to find out everything on my own, and so I did. I tried to find loopholes for mathematic laws and I loved reading in school books in my free time. I may have been quite a nerd, BUT! I just loved learning, which I already touched upon. With maths especially, I feel every question / problem I come across is like a riddle, which I have to solve with the understanding of maths I have at that very moment. It is not always easy / doable, but I just love these riddles.

10) I am kind to animals. Animals, my favourite companions. :) I was the type of person to always be the "cuddle buddy" of each pet the host of a party may have shared their home with... I get that around animals, we have to be patient and kind. I am trying not to do any harm to animals I come across (even those I am scared of...). I have arachnophobia, among other fears, for example. I might get scared, but I will try my best to catch the animals and put them in trees outside or so then.


Other than that. Here's the 5th question of the 50 questions that will free your mind:

What is the one thing you'd most like to change about the world?

I have to be honest here. I just wish other people would make more effort to be understanding of the human state. We are not perfect creatures, we all have flaws. I just think, with many people, they expect you to ace in everything you do, and it can be quite devastating when you DON'T. Pressure on others can only do harm, that is. I would also want the world to be free from greed and corruption. (I know technically, I already am at my second / third wish here, but pfff, this is my wish, I can do whatever I want~!! :P) I think there are many things in the world that actually bring out the worst in people, but I ALSO wish people would more focus on who they are, instead of the expectations of others.

Maybe the world would be better if we were just allowed to be ourselves.


Hippie!Rina has spoken. *nods* If you have any comments, leave them below!

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