Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2021

Consider this (goal 50, 35, and 7)


How are you all doing today? I hope you are fine. I have some news concerning the goals mentioned in the subject line... With number 50, I will answer today's question in a moment. Then, I think I am already doing number 7 (taking walks everyday for a week): I went for walks twice today, which was much fun and I enjoyed that a lot! :)

Then, I also narrowed down which courses I'd like to do on Coursera, most of which are specialisations actually. I am considering saving the money to get Coursera Plus actually. ^^ I have recently been receiving some questions about UI/UX Design, and since I had no idea what this had to mean, I looked it up... Sounds quite interesting, so I might be doing this specialisation dedicated to acquiring some grasp of this subject... And two more specialisations in the field of music. Maybe something creative-writing-wise, too. And graphic design sounds interesting, too.

Anyhow, let's get on with number 50, shall we? Today's question is the second in the list:

Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Of course, I would like to answer this with "Never trying is much, much worse", and I agree with the sentiment. In the past, however, I have been terrified of failing at anything. I always had to be on top, and when I didn't happen to be, I would get immensely depressed. This kind of perfectionist attitude actually ruined a lot for me, almost including my love for making music. I think this says it all... I *wish* I had realised this sooner, but actually, I have tried things in the past that didn't work out, and just stood up again, but still developed perfectionism towards anything and everything throughout the process. It sucks, and I am still wrestling with myself to make myself understand that there is nothing bad in failing. I wouldn't even EVER tell anybody else the things I tell myself on a daily basis on this matter.

Because these words would be really cruel, diminishing the light of each person's soul, it would ruin them in the long run. I still tell myself these things everyday, though, and I just don't get it. And I know I could lay blame on my past etc. but it wouldn't help me much in this regard, I feel. I just never wanted to come across as stupid or lazy. *sighs*

So, to the people reading this: If you end up trying something - and you end up failing, please don't think this is happening to punish you. Sometimes the timing or place of something is just wrong, but this doesn't mean your idea in the beginning was. If you can, whenever you can, do get up again, dust yourself off, and show yourself you can be resilient, this can really boost your self-esteem, too. If it is something you deeply believe in, something that you love with all your heart, find another way. If it is something that shouldn't matter in the course of the next five years, then just let it go...

Also, as they say: "You would never find out whether you could have succeeded if you didn't try it at first." And time is valuable, after all. Ask the people who are deemed too old for whatever they want to do by some people out there. I have been in this place. It is so much better to start where you are, and even if you fail, you will learn in the process, and what you learned cannot be taken away from you. ❤

That's all for now. Will update the master list in a moment. Of course, the narrowing down is not really a step in the direction, I feel, but still I thought it would be interesting to mention in here. :)

Have a lovely day!

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