Sonntag, 14. Februar 2021

Day Zero Project :)

Hello there!

As some of you may know already, I want to knock out some tasks of my 101/1001 list. I created a list of the things I most want to do for the upcoming days, which I will call the "Master List" here. I hope maybe some people will feel inspired to follow their hearts, or just to tackle some tasks that are important to you.

My 101/1001 list
Feb 14, 2021 - Nov 12, 2023

1) Read 20 books
2) Write 13 songs for my album (4/13)

3) Learn one dance routine from a song of my choice
4) Get my (...) down to ---------- again (*)
5) Create my own tarot deck
6) Create my own oracle cards
7) Take walks everyday (for a week) (7/7)
8) Plant snapdragons
9) Plant sunflowers
10) Play a gig (online/offline)
11) Take singing lessons
12) Take guitar lessons
13) Teach myself to sew
14) Teach myself to play the keyboard
15) Take the JLPT N5 test
16) Travel to Japan
17) Travel to Finland
18) Travel to Italy
19) Write ten letters
20) Do a Japanese course
21) Do a Finnish course
22) Do an Italian course
23) Watch a short series in another language
24) Write a piece of fanfiction
25) Get a tattoo
26) Have 10 penpals from 10 different countries
27) See seals in the wild
28) See elephants in the wild
29) Cuddle with pet rats
30) Publish my music album
31) Work as an extra in a series / movie again
32) Learn how to crochet
33) Learn karate
34) Take hiphop dance classes
35) Do an online course (Coursera)
36) Learn how to paint with watercolour
37) Do some volunteer work
38) Make a short film
39) Learn kickboxing
40) Go vegan
41) Write a letter to my favorite teacher
42) Write a book
43) Design a website
44) Sew a piece of clothing
45) Learn how to apply makeup
46) Get a daith piercing
47) Get an industrial piercing
48) Do a photography challenge
49) Do the 365DOPA challenge (that I made up myself)
50) Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" (6/50)
51) Compliment someone everyday for 30 days straight
52) Cosplay
53) Go couchsurfing
54) Stay in a hostel again
55) Publish an article about something relevant to me
56) Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
57) Go to a concert
58) Go on a road trip
59) Meet an online friend in person
60) Go indoor skydiving
61) Take horse riding lessons
62) Join a choir
63) Join a band
64) Find musicians for my own band
65) Go rollerblading
66) Act in a musical
67) Travel to the UK
68) Travel to Estonia
69) Travel to Latvia
70) Travel to Egypt
71) Do something for a person that has made a difference in my life
72) Take a free online class
73) Develop a practice routine that I can keep up (7/7)
74) Do the DBT Skills Group
75) Do a HIIT routine
76) Attend a music festival
77) Sing at an open mic night
78) Sing in a karaoke bar
79) Create my own tarot spreads (2 for now)
80) Set up an altar
81) Research Bastet
82) Research Loki
83) Research Freya
84) Research Ganesha
85) Write in a diary each day for a week
86) Make a stop-motion short film
87) Start a YouTube channel
88) Take a photo of a rainbow
89) Learn to knit
90) Make a list of 25 things I like about myself (15/25)
91) Get my driver's license
92) Draw a comic / manga
93) Declutter my bedroom
94) Start a podcast
95) Grow my own tomatoes
96) Learn how to hula-hoop
97) Learn how to dance industrial
98) Fill an art journal / sketchbook
99) Learn about Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and Japanese mythology
100) Draw one tarot card each day for a week
101) Make a new 101/1001 list after the 1001 days are over

(*) This actually is the only goal I will not be blogging about, as it is very personal and also can be a trigger for some people. I hope you understand.

And here is the key to the bolding / striking of tasks:

Task = Not Yet Started
Task = In Progress
Task = Completed

I last reviewed this page on March 20th, 2021. If you have any questions or comments on the challenge, please feel free to comment here. :)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Antworten
    1. Vielen, vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung :)!!
      Dir wünsche ich auch viel Glück!! ^^


Stand by me.

Hey ho, let's go! Today I wrote the third song for my album. :D The reason behind was / is that I kept playing a riff that came to me ra...